Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Book Reviews on How to Write a Book Books

Dear Reader, to know me is to know I am hard at work -- in my ever decreasing free time-- on my novel. In addition to actually writing, I do a certain amount of research. Some of this research includes reading all of the books on writing/publishing/etc in the Stoke Newington Library. Some of this research is also me spending a certain amount of time figuring out which Lanvin look would be best for my book launch. But, as the mother of this blogger says,  "you can't count your eggs before they hatch." So, in the meantime, I will give you some reviews of these various how to write books. A brand new Food, Shelter, Clothing feature! The first one is Beginning Writer's Answer Book which was edited by Jane Friedman. In case you are wondering, those eyes belong to the cover of The Mistress's Daughter by A.M.Homes, a far better book than the book resting upon it or my own book.  But Beginning Writer's Answer Book is an vaguely useful read. It is basically a list of questions and answers.

Some are ridiculous:
Q. Are stationary and business cards necessary for a writer?
Q. Should I read the classics or contemporary writing?
Q. An editor rejected me by writing, "Read the magazine!" Isn't this rather insulting?

Some were questions I was wondering myself:
Q. I have a novel in the works, but it is months away from completion. When should I send query letters to publishers?
Q. I would like to adopt the pen name of George Orwell. Will I need permission from his heirs?
Q. How can a full-time freelancer provide for retirement?

Personally and selfishly, I wish this book was geared just to novelists, like moi, instead of including poets, nonfiction, short story, and magazine writers. Some of it seems like the reader may never have taken a literature course, but I'm sure some great writers never have (ie. Chaucer). Also, I'm very interested in UK and US publishing and how those work logistically as an American residing in the UK. Also, I was dismayed to read that this author suggests finishing your first book before getting an agent. Annoying, but probably wise. Oh well, xmas is coming and that is like 10 straight days of writing, aside from the slothing and working at work.

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